Sunday, January 13, 2013

More about Education!

There was this discussion that takes place between Pandavas and their uncle Vidura which was highlighted in the book "The System Of Education In Mahabharata" written by Dr. Mallesudu Yadav. And this fascinating discussion revolves around the four goals of education viz..Dharma-Artha-Kama-Moksha which are thoroughly emphasized in the epic of Mahabharata. This discussion is shared here as it is fascinating and gives a profound meaning about the goals of education.

About the Discussion:

Once it so happens that the mighty Pandavas and their adored uncle Vidura, who was the master of worldly affairs (but belonging to suta caste and so had nothing to do with the royal kingdom) sit together and fall into the discussion of which goal of education is more important among the four -Dharma(Rules) or Artha(Money) or Kama(Desire) or Moksha(Liberation).

The wise Vidura initiates the discussion declaring that "liberation(Moksha)" is the important of all the four goals. All the rules that we learn, all the money that we earn and all the desires that we have should be shunned to attain the liberation. Everything ends up in liberation. So,liberation is the most important of all.

While the lotus eyed Nakulas (as described in the book) were silent, Arjuna expressed his opinion that Wealth (Artha)is the most important of all. Worrier and conqueror as he was he tells that with money we can do anything. We can own this world with money. Everyone loves and respects us when we have Wealth. People will flock around us like bees over honey. We'll never have to fear our enemies as we can easily win over them by luring their subordinates or by upgrading our strength. With wealth around us we stay independent and free. So, he says, Wealth (artha) is the most important of all the four goals of education.

While Arjuna's stance was like this, the mighty Bheema put forth his opinion saying that Desire (Kama) is the important of all. Real action springs from desire. If one wants to win over this world he should have am immense desire to win. If one wants to learn something new or do something great he should have that passion inside him. That passion ignites him and moves him towards the achievement or realization of his dreams. Even to get salvation one should have desire. Hence, he says that desire(kama) is the important of all the goals.

Now it was the turn of their elder brother Yudhistara and it was very easy for him to choose the most important goal. He went with Dharma(Rules) saying that, undoubtedly dharma is the most important of all the goals. If we don't know why we are doing something there is a very clear chance that we may fall as a victim to the deadly thing called confusion. Life may become meaningless. We may not know why we are earning. We may not know why we are desiring something. We may not know why should we get salvation (which may also mean dying peacefully). Dharma teaches you about what to desire, what to earn and how to get salvation. In short, he was telling this "know the rules and play the game". Isn't education the one which frees us from the clutches of ignorance, makes life worthwhile and finally takes us to salvation? Education should teach us the most basic things.

And exactly there ends the discussion. True that education is one of the beautiful things that ever happens to a person and it is felt like the above discussion has given a nice meaning to the word "Education" and that is why it is shared.

P.S. While care has been taken to convey the exact meaning of the discussion, any errors that might be found may be brought to the notice of the blogger for correction. Also the blog is in no way a medium for religious propagation and indeed it should be noticed that the central theme of the blog is about the important goals of education.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Top 30 sentences I found in 2012

Top 30 sentences I found in 2012

Words, Words, Words! ~Hamlet, Shakespeare

Even the most of our deepest thoughts are thought through the medium of words. And when a bunch of good words combine together - it has really a magical effect. 2012 has been a pretty wordy year for me. Words that got combined by different authors to drench us in the river of meaning. Here is my collection of beautiful top30 sentences written by awesome people.

1.Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand. - Carlyle

2.Anyone can carry his burden, however hard, until nightfall. Anyone can do his work, however hard, for one day. Anyone can live sweetly, patiently, lovingly, purely, till the sun goes down. And this is all that life really means. – Robert Louis Stevenson

3.He was always with her. She found him in the cadence of a stranger’s voice, the sudden laughter on a quiet street, a phrase, a scent, a song. He was everywhere. – Sidney Sheldon

4.To know all is to forgive all. – Dale Carnegie

5.I Wish I could be your tear drops for what more could anyone ask than to be conceived in your heart, born in your eyes, lived on your cheeks and died on your lips. –Anonymous lover

6.When a man lives with the God his voice shall be as sweet as the murmur of the brook or the rustle of the corn. – Emerson

7.Thinking is work. It takes energy. Thinking requires time, and patience, and broad information, and clear-headedness. – Dale Carnegie

8.Yah Vaatsalya na tha, keval daya thi. Maatru-prem mein kathorta hoti thi, lekin mrudulta se mili huyi. Iss prem mein karuna thi, par wah kathorta nahi thi jo aatmeeyta ka gupt sandesh hain. – Premchand

9.Happy is the man who has found his work. – Carlyle

10.“Sancho, the pleasure is not in the inn when we reach there; it is now when we are on the road.” – Don Quixote

11.“A man who calls his kinsmen to feast doesn’t do so to save them from starving. They all have food in their own homes. When we gather together in a moonlit village around, it is not because of the moon. Everyman can see it from his own compound. We come together because it is good for the kinsmen to do so…I fear you young people don’t understand how strong is the bond of kinship. A culture that emphasizes solely the yang values is bound to end up with many dangling bodies like that of Okwonkwo” - Novel Name: Things fall apart. Author: Chinua Achebe

12.Deprive the average man of his lie and you have robbed him of his happiness as well. – Rellin Movel

13.Putting a glass of milk in the hands of every child may be much more inspiring vision to work for than to become the largest petro-chemicals producer with the highest profit margin. – S.Manikutty and S.P. Singh

14.My heart is full of courage, not of anger. – Joan of Arc

15.Am I a king only because I’m the son of a king? Or is it because I can make the people accept my laws or the army to move at my commands? Or self-confidence alone justify it? I ask you – all of you – what would you have me to do to become a real king in your eyes? – He gets no answer. –From Tughlaq by Girish Karnard.

16.Life is not be lived because something has happened in the past and nor for an ideal future. It is for doing the right thing here and now.

17.“Man cannot ask what the meaning of life is… It is he who is asked. In a word, each man is questioned by life and he can answer to life only by answering for his own life. – Frankl

18.It is better to have self control than to control an army. – Bible

19.“Satyam vadet, Priyam vadet; Speak the truth sweetly.” – Vedas

20.“Madam, If I consider your dazzling teeth, your age should be 19, but from your wavy brown hair, you can be placed around 18. But if I consider your gentle complexion, you can be said to be no more than 16”. Madam says, “I appreciate the way you told it but could you tell me my exact age?”. “As I am too weak in calculations, you just have to add 19, 18 and 16 and you will arrive at my guess of your age.” – Tenali (from book “Fix your problems in Tenali’s way” By “ Vishal Goyal”

21.He has right to criticize, who has the heart to help. – Lincoln

22.Like we decorate gold ornaments with diamonds, decorate yourselves with good values – Chanakya

23.There are only three jewels on earth: Food grains, water and words of good wish. Foolish people run behind gold and other ornaments thinking that they are the real jewels. –Chanakya

24.“Yoga karmasu kaushalam; Yoga means patience during the deed. – Geeta [ from this can we infer Dhyana-yoga as "patience during thinking or meditating" and so on?

25.Recite thou in the name of thy lord who hath taught the use of the pen. – Koran [first page]

26.Fashion and luxury are the most dangerous tyrants on this earth!!!!!!!!!!!

27.Child flower asks mother,
Mother, why should we blossom?
Man plucks us, animal eats.
O child! if we do not blossom,
Man's heart turns cruel. – APJ

28." ...that I may dedicate each victory to her and call upon her in defeat, and if at last I give my life, I give it in the sacred name of Dulcinea. " - Don Quixote

29.The sun is painting the dying sky with wild colors of a mad artist. – Sidney Sheldon

30.Love was the wonderful new country to be explored. -Sidney Sheldon


1.Pain follows pleasure and vice versa. – Socrates [have patience anyway]

2."Long after her sensitive heart and weary hands had crumbled into dust, and had climbed to life again in forest flowers, he said to a friend, with tears in his eyes, 'All that I am or ever hope to be I owe to my sainted mother.'" -Dr. J.G. Holland about Abe Lincoln

3. The proof of this truth is in every person, and it therefore admits
of easy investigation by systematic introspection and self-analysis.
Let a man radically alter his thoughts, and he will be astonished at
the rapid transformation it will effect in the material conditions
of his life. Men imagine that thought can be kept secret, but it
cannot; it rapidly crystallizes into habit, and habit solidifies
into circumstance. Bestial thoughts crystallize into habits of
drunkenness and sensuality, which solidify into circumstances of
destitution and disease: impure thoughts of every kind crystallize
into enervating and confusing habits, which solidify into
distracting and adverse circumstances: thoughts of fear, doubt, and
indecision crystallize into weak, unmanly, and irresolute habits,
which solidify into circumstances of failure, indigence, and slavish
dependence: lazy thoughts crystallize into habits of uncleanliness
and dishonesty, which solidify into circumstances of foulness and
beggary: hateful and condemnatory thoughts crystallize into habits
of accusation and violence, which solidify into circumstances of
injury and persecution: selfish thoughts of all kinds crystallize
into habits of self-seeking, which solidify into circumstances more
or less distressing. On the other hand, beautiful thoughts of all
kinds crystallize into habits of grace and kindliness, which
solidify into genial and sunny circumstances: pure thoughts
crystallize into habits of temperance and self-control, which
solidify into circumstances of repose and peace: thoughts of
courage, self-reliance, and decision crystallize into manly habits,
which solidify into circumstances of success, plenty, and freedom:
energetic thoughts crystallize into habits of cleanliness and
industry, which solidify into circumstances of pleasantness: gentle
and forgiving thoughts crystallize into habits of gentleness, which
solidify into protective and preservative circumstances: loving and
unselfish thoughts crystallize into habits of self-forgetfulness for
others, which solidify into circumstances of sure and abiding
prosperity and true riches. - James Allen, As a man thinketh!

P.S. All works are awesome. Serial numbers are given only and only for counting.